Open-access Performance of dihaploid wheat lines obtained via anther culture in relation to the aluminum tolerance, grain yield and plant height

Eighteen dihaploid wheat lines originated via anther culture from F1 hybrid plants and two cultivars IAC-24 and IAC-289 were evaluated in 1999 and 2000, at two locations of the State of São Paulo: Capão Bonito (acid soil without lime application and upland condition) and Tatuí (acid soil with lime application and sprinkler irrigation condition). In each trial the genotypes were evaluated for grain yield and plant height. Aluminum toxicity tolerance was also evaluated in the laboratory in nutrient solutions containing 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 mg.L-1 of aluminum. The evaluated dihaploid lines showed high variability for the considered agronomic characters. The lines 9 (MRL"S"/BUC"S"//BUC"S"/3/IAC-24), 4 (PF70402/ ALD"S"//PAT72160/ALD"S"/3/PEW"S"/4/OPATA/5/IAC-60) and 3 (TEPOCA/IAC-24) displayed good performance in relation to grain yield considering the means of the Capão Bonito trials. In Tatuí the lines 4 and 5 originated from the same cross showed good behaviour for grain yield taking into account the means of the trials. The line 13 (JUN/GEN//IAC-24) exhibited short plants in all trials. All genotypes, except the cultivar IAC-289 and the line 13 were considered tolerant at 10 mg.L-1 to Al3+, in nutrient solution. The results indicated the possibility to select tolerant genotypes to aluminum toxicity in laboratory condition before they are evaluated in acid soil, making the process of obtaining tolerant lines more efficient.

wheat; aluminum tolerance; grain yield; plant height; dihaploid lines

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