Open-access Selection of (AA) diploid banana hybrids using three non-parametric indices

The objective of the present study was to select diploids (AA) hybrids of banana based on three non-parametric indices as to guide the selection and increase the use of the variability present in the Banana Germplasm Bank of Embrapa Cassava and Tropical Fruits. Eleven hybrids were evaluated in random blocks with four replicates. The plots consisted of six plants spaced 2.5 m x 2.5 m whereas the border rows were from the Pacovan cultivar. The following characteristics were evaluated: plant height, pseudostem diameter, number of suckers, number of leaves during flowering, plant cycle from planting to bunch emission, presence of pollen, number of hands, number of fruits, fruit length and yellow-Sigatoka resistance. The average of these ten characteristics was used for calculating the multiplicative indices of sum of classification and genotype-ideotype distance. The two hybrids presenting best global performance SH3263 and 1318-01 ranked respectively, first and second by the multiplicative indices and sum of classification whereas the genotype-ideotype distance index ranked them first and fourth . Although in general, all three indexes presented good coherence between general performance of the hybrids and their classification, the multiplicative and sum of classification indexes provided a more adequate classification of these hybrids.

Musa spp.; variability; selection indices

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