Open-access Effect of high temperature and recovery from stress on crop–weed interaction


Biotic and abiotic stresses, either individually or in combination, may affect soybean growth and development negatively, besides competitiveness with weeds. This study aimed at evaluating the effect of heat stress and plant recovery on crop–weed interaction by analyzing growth variables. Experiments were set up as replacement series of soybean with slender amaranth. Treatments followed a factorial scheme, which was composed of heat stress [high temperature (38/22 ± 2 °C) against the control (28/22 ± 2 ºC)] and of proportions of soybean and slender amaranth, i.e., 100:0 (pure stand of soybean), 50:50 and 0:100 (pure stand of slender amaranth). After being submitted to high temperatures, plants were analyzed in terms of their recovery from heat stress. Variables under evaluation were height, leaf area and shoot dry weight. Results led to the conclusion that the weed shows more competitiveness than soybean, regardless of the heat stress. Interspecific competition for soybean and intraspecific competition for slender amaranth influence their height, leaf area and shoot dry weight negatively, while high temperature affects slender amaranth positively.

Key words  Glycine max ; Amaranthus viridis ; heat stress; competitiveness

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