Open-access Technological characterization of four manioc varieties stem to produce cellulosic fibers for papermaking

The technological characterization of stems of four manioc varieties (IAC 12.829, Branca de Santa Catarina, Roxinha or Mico and Fibra) were determined, in order to evaluate the cellulosic fibers as raw material for pulp and paper production. The results showed that the cellulosic fiber yields of the cassava stem varied from 239.7 to 317.6 g/kg. The 'Fibra' and 'Branca de Santa Catarina' varieties presented, respectively, the smallest (18.2 g/kg) and the highest (35.0 g/kg) medullary contents. The cassava stem woody portion supplied cellulosic fibers (0.77 to 0.96 mm) shorter than the fibers of the best fraction (1.71 to 2.61 mm). The relation between fiber dimensions pointed out adequate values to produce pulp and paper with good physical and mechanical properties.

cassava; Manihot esculenta Crantz; cellulosic fiber yields; fiber dimensions

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