Open-access Adaptability and stability inbred wheat lines of in São Paulo State

Adaptability and Stability parameters were estimated by two non-parametric methodologies for grain yield in 20 wheat genotypes, 18 Mexican inbred lines and two cultivars, which were evaluated in three locations of São Paulo State, during 2001 and 2002. Significant effects were observed for genotypes, years and locations, indicating that the performance of the inbred lines was not coincident for the two years and the three locations. Genotypes x locations, years x locations and genotypes x years x locations interactions were significant. Independently of the methodology and considering the analysis for the two years and for the three locations, inbred lines 13 (HAHN/2*WEAVER) and 3 (SERI M 82) ranked among the five, with wide adaptability and stability. These inbred lines, specially the 13, could be recommended for cultivation by growers after the evaluation of other interesting agronomic traits, such as plant height, disease resistance and aluminum tolerance. The two methodologies provided similar results with easy estimates and interpretation.

Triticum aestivum L.; grain yield

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