Open-access CO2 emission from soil after reforestation and application of sewage sludge

This study aimed to quantify the carbon dioxide emissions from an Oxisol under degraded pasture located in Sorocaba, São Paulo State, Brazil. The treatments were: sewage sludge (LE), sewage sludge compost (CLE), mineral fertilizer (AM) and no fertilization (T0). The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized block design with analysis of the effect of the four treatments (CLE, LE, and AM T0) with four replications. The application of sewage sludge, sewage sludge compost, mineral fertilizer and no fertilizer was statistically significant for the variables of height increase and stem height of Guanandi seedlings (Calophyllum brasiliense Cambessèdes - Calophyllaceae). Treatments showed significant differences in terms of CO2 emissions from soil. The CLE exhibited the highest CO2 fluxes, reaching a peak of 9.33±0.96 g C m- 2 day- 1 (p<0.0001), as well as the LE with a maximum CO2 flux of 6.35±1.17 C m- 2 day- 1 (p<0.005). The AM treatment (4.96±1.61 g C m- 2 day- 1) had the same statistical effect as T0 (5.33±0.49 g C m- 2 day- 1). CO2 fluxes were correlated with soil temperature in all treatments. However, considering the period of 172 days of evaluation, the total loss of C as CO2 was 2.7% for sewage sludge and 0.7% for the sewage sludge compost of the total C added with the application on soil.

GHG; organic waste; carbon

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