Open-access Viabilidade da seleção de variedades de algodão resistentes a nematôides

Viability of breeding cotton for nematode resistance

Viabilidade da seleção de variedades de algodão resistentes a nematôides

Viability of breeding cotton for nematode resistance

C. A. Menezes Ferraz


Results from cotton trials planted on soil highly infested with the root-knot nematode showed that out of 250 varieties tested, 13 were very tolerant. Among these five were the local selections 1.A.C.8 ( 51/598), I.A.C.9, I.A.C.10, I.A.C.II and I.A.C.I2. Individual plant selection made within the tolerant varieties is expected to increase the tolerance of the progenies to root-lknot nematode attack.

It is pointed out that it is possible to reduce or eliminate yield losses due to the root-knot nematode attack hy growing tolerant or resistant varieties on infested soils.

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Recebido para publicação em 16 de janeiro de 1961.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    09 Mar 2010
  • Data do Fascículo
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