Open-access New cultivars for irrigated rice culture

The cultivars planted in the central states of Brazil, generally have extra long seeds, and the caryopsis is longer than 7 mm and wider than 2,4 mm. The IR8 cultivar is not accepted by public because it presents a type of seed of inferior quality and appearance. New IR cultivars were introduced and comparatively tested with the ones cultivated in the State of São Paulo - Brazil (IAC-120 and IAC-435). The agronomical and technological characteristics (sensorial analyses) of the tested cultivars were evaluated. Considering the relative production, IR665-4-1-1, IR665-4-5-5, IR634-9-6-2 and IR634-32-5-5 were superior to IAC-120 and IAC-435 by more than 30%. The cultivars IR634-32-5-3 and IAC-435 were the most preferred on the basis of sensorial analyses of raw rice, IR634-9-6-2 being rejected on 0.1% level. For the cooked rice the most preferred were IAC-120 and IR665-4-5-5: IR634-32-5-3 was rejected on the 0.1% level by the testing panel on general appearance, eating quality and general preference. Comparing all the agronomical characteristics (plant size, cycle, caryopsis size and production) and technological characteristics (general appearance and eating quality) of the processed and cooked rice, the IR665-4-5-5 cultivar is one that approximates most to the characteristics required by the farmers and the consumers in the Central States of Brazil.

Instituto Agronômico de Campinas Avenida Barão de Itapura, 1481, 13020-902, Tel.: +55 19 2137-0653, Fax: +55 19 2137-0666 - Campinas - SP - Brazil
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