Open-access Selection of superior sweet potato genotypes for human consumption via mixed models


The growing consumer demand for sweet potato roots results in the need for genotypes with higher yields and better root quality. Thus, the objective of this study was to agronomically evaluate sweet potato genotypes via mixed models to select superior genotypes for human consumption and predict their selection gains. The study had a partially balanced triple lattice design with three replicates. As treatments, 92 sweet potato genotypes from the Universidade Federal de Lavras germplasm bank selected in the first selection cycle were evaluated along with eight controls, namely, Brazlândia Roxa, Princesa, Uruguaiana, BRS Amélia, Beauregard, UFVJM-57, UFVJM-58, and UFVJM-61. The treatments were ranked by the mixed linear model via restricted maximum likelihood (REML) and best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP). We highlighted the 15 best genotypes for each agronomic trait, then identified the best ones overall considering all quantitative and qualitative traits. High heritability was found for the trait commercial root yield (56.31%). For all traits, there were selection gains relative to the population mean. The use of mixed models was efficient for the selection of superior sweet potato genotypes. The genotypes 2018-19-464, 2018-72-1409, 2018-72-1428, 2018-19-443, 2018-36-807, 2018-72-1418, 2018-19-455, 2018-72-1376, 2018-54-1137, 2018-54-1114, 2018-65-1249, and 2018-28-556 have good traits related to commercial root yield and root quality and may be recommended for human consumption.

Key words Ipomoea batatas L.; quality; REML/BLUP; roots; yield

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