Open-access A study of the natural cycle of the Cayenne pineapple plant in the tableland of the State of São Paulo, Brazil

In order to obtain basic information for a rational distribution of Cayenne pineapple crops in the tableland of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, a field experiment was carried out following the plant's natural cycle in a trimestral planting of crowns, slips, and suckers weighing from 300 to 400 grams, as well as suckers weighing from 700 to 800 grams. The results showed that there are two major periods of spontaneous floral differentiation: the main one in April/May (mid-autumn), and a secondary one in November/December (mid-spring to early summer). Also, the results allowed to draw up a table indicating the best types of planting material and the best planting seasons for each type, as well as the best time to use chemical induction of floral differentation for each desirable period of yielding without using irrigation.

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