Open-access Damage caused by fungal diseases in rice grown in lowland at the southern of the State of Tocantins, Brazil

This study aimed to evaluate the damages caused by the fungal diseases in rice production under conditions of lowland at the State of Tocantins. The experimental design was a randomized blocks with four replications, in a factorial scheme of 26 (genotypes of irrigated rice) x 2 (plots treated or untreated with fungicides). The fungicide treatment consisted of three applications, the first one was done 35 days after planting with thiophanate methyl (0.5 L ha-1), the second application was done in the booting stage of rice with trifloxystrobin + propiconazole (0.6 L ha -1) and the third application was done with 5% of panicles issued with trifloxystrobin + propiconazole (0.6 L ha-1) + tebuconazole (0.75 L ha-1). The following evaluations were performed: leaf and panicle blast severity, brown-spot severity, grains spots, 100 seed mass, and productivity. The fungicide treatments decreased around 69% the blast severity on leaves and 54% on panicles of most genotypes. There was not any statistical difference in the treatment with or without fungicide for brown-spot, however there was statistical difference among the genotypes. In plants treated with fungicides there was an increase of 0.52 g (17.6%) in the mass of 100 seeds and 1000 kg ha-1 in the productivity (12.6%). The maximum values obtained in 100 seeds mass and yield were 3.19 g and 9270 kg ha-1, respectively.

blast; foliar diseases; grain discoloration; brown spot; Oryza sativa

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