Open-access Adaptability and stability of sugarcane clones

The objective of this study was to identify clones of sugarcane with good stability and adaptability in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, and also identifying locations most representative for selection and experimentation. Ten clones and two commercial checks of medium-late maturation were evaluated in the first-ratoon of experiments harvested in August 2009, using bissegmented regression and AMMI (Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction Analysis) methods. The results of two methods were compared and they evidenced that the clones RB975201, RB975157, RB975932, RB975242 and RB975162 are the most promising, showing higher production when compared to the checks, higher stability observed in one or both statistical methods and broader or more specific adaptability. The environment Tarumã presented higher stability and capacity to discriminate genotypes, allowing an ordering more reliable as compared to the overall mean of the environments tested.

Saccharum spp.; genotype x environment interaction; bissegmented regression; AMMI

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