Open-access Fertilizing soybeans: III - Trials with NPK, sulfur, and micro-nutrients on «arenito Botucatu» soil

The effects of NPK, sulfur and a mixture of micro-nutrients (Zn, Cu, B, and Mo) on the yield of soybeans were studied in two fertilizer experiments on soil derived from the Botucatu sandstone, sparsely covered with poor vegetation of «campo cerrado». The experiments were located in neighboring areas, one of which was previously limed with dolomitic limestone. The responses to NPK were +761 and +542 kg/ha (kilograms to the hectare) respectively in the limed and unlimed areas. The addition of sulfur to NPK provided further increases of about 350 kg/ha in each trial. The mixture of micro-nutrientes, which was tested in the presence of NPK + S, did not influence the yield in the limed area and depressed it considerably in the unlimed one. While the yield in the unfertilized treatment of the unlimed area was only 355 kg/ha, that of the NPK + S treatment of the limed area reached. 1,608 kg/ha, which shows the low fertility level of the soil, but indicates the possibility of using it for intensive agriculture.

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