Open-access Selection of female papaya progenies for resistance to phoma-spot using mixed models

Landraces genotypes present with source of genes for adaptation, rusticity and resistance to disease and environmental stress. In this work the potential of landraces papaya genotypes in contributing to resistance genes phoma-spot was evaluated. The experiment was implemented in a randomized block design with six replications, was composed of 24 half-sib progenies of dioecious papaya - which segregated for sex. Only plants with female flowers were evaluated and estimate variance components and predict genetic value of landraces to incidence and severity of phoma-spot, by mixed model. Heritability estimates and selective accuracy demonstrate a favorable situation to the selection of progeny that can contribute to the reduction of disease. 'STA-02', 'STA-04', 'STA-05', 'STA-06', 'STA-07', 'STA-11', 'STA-12', 'STA-16', 'STA-21' and 'STA-22' showed negative values of additive genetic effects for both t incidence and severity of phoma-spot.

Carica papaya; genetic resistance; Stagonosporopsis caricae; genetic variability

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