Open-access Physiological quality of seeds in conventional and glyphosate-resistant soybean produced by foliar application of manganese

Soybean seeds with high physiological quality are essential to achieve high yields, one of the factors affecting seed production is mineral nutrition. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of foliar application of manganese, with different doses and stages of application, on the physiological quality of soybean seeds in conventional cultivars and GR descendants with different lignin content in the seed coat. The experiment was conducted in randomized blocks with three replications and a 4 x 4 x 2 factorial arrangement consisting of four soybean cultivars, two conventional and their GR descendants (BRS Celeste and BRS Baliza RR; BRSGO Jataí and BRS Silvânia RR), four doses of Mn via foliar application (0; 200; 400 and 600 g Mn ha-1) and two stages of application (R1 and R3). Before and after six months of storage, the physiological quality of seeds was estimated by testing: germination, accelerated aging, seedling emergence, electrical conductivity and tetrazolium (Viability, vigor and mechanical damage). Lignin contents were determined in the seed coats. The foliar application of Mn provides increased physiological quality in soybean seeds produced. Seeds of the soybean cultivars Celeste and Baliza RR have better physiological quality when compared with Jataí and Silvânia RR. Seeds of soybean cultivars with higher lignin content in the seed coat do not necessarily have better physiological quality, thus seed quality is related to other factors intrinsic to the genotype.

Glycine max; micronutrients; Roundup Ready soybean; vigor

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