Open-access Effect of three types of limestone on soil reaction and soybean growth

A study was made of the effect of three types of finely powdered limestone (calcitic, typical dolomitic, and sedimentary dolomitic) on soil acidity, on the development of soybean plants growing in treated soil, and on the mineral content of their leaves. The experiment was carried out under greenhouse conditions in Mitscherlich pots filled with the "terra roxa misturada" type of soil. Eight treatments with three replications were compared. Equal amounts of N, p2o5, and K2O were added to all pots, except to one of the controls. Another control received the fertilizers but no limestone. Two levels of each of the three types of limestone were tested. The limestones were finely powdered, and a mixture of equal parts of the fractions obtained through the Tyler sieves 65-150 and 160-270 was used. The following data were taken 2¹/2 months after the experiment was started: a) soil reaction (pH) and exchangeable hydrogen; b) calcium and magnesium content of the leaves; c) growth of the plants and weight of dry matter. The results obtained indicated that under the conditions of the experiment the three types of limestone induced the same changes in pH and the same decrease of exchangeable hydrogen in the soil. Amounts of limestone sufficient to saturate about 70% of the exchange capacity increased the pH to a satisfactory level as was expected. The three types of limestone increased the growth of the plant and the amount of dry matter produced. The dolomitic limestone gave the greatest increases. For the same type of limestone the increase in dry matter was greater in plants that received the higher level of the treatment.

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