Open-access Fungicide treatments and their effects on the performance of peanut seeds

Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) seeds are specially vulnerable to invasion by fungi, which is a frequent cause of unsatisfactory stands and, consequently, of low crop yields. The efficiency of the fungicides Captan, Thiram (TMTD), Benomyl, Quintozene (PCNB) and Thiabendazole applied to peanut seeds of the cultivar Tatu was studied in relation to seedling emergence in greenhouse, and initial emergence, final stand and pod yield in the field. In all parameters there was no effect of time of fungicide application or of fungicide x time of application. The advantage of the use of fungicide was quite evident, having the treated seeds presented, in relation on the non-treated ones, superior seedling emergence in greenhouse, as well as higher values of initial emergence, final stand and pod yield in the field. The most efficient fungicides were Captan and Thiram (TMTD). Less impressive results, thought still advantageous when compared with those of the control (without fungicide), were obtained by the application of Quintozene (PCNB), Benomyl and Thiabendazole.

peanut; Arachis hypogaea L.; seeds; fungicides; storage; seedling emergence; pod yield

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