Open-access Effects of nutrients and organic matter on cotton production

The effects of micronutrients (Zn, Cu and Mn) and organic matter (chicken-manure) associated with the basic NPK fertilization, on cotton production, yield properties and fiber properties were studied in field tests conducted during the years of 1973 to 1974, in Ibitiruna and Aguaí in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. The soils utilized presented medium acidity and low fertility, according to chemical analysis, and the cotton variety tested was IAC 13-1. Complete randomized block designs were used, with four replications. The following conclusions were from the results: a) The application of micronutrients did not show a statistically significant effect on cotton yield, although an increase, up to 35%, on cotton yield was observed. b) The effect of the application of organic matter on cotton yield showed a significant effect, but dependent on the year, with increases in cotton yield from 5 to 44%. c) No significant effects of micronutrients or organic matter were detected on yield properties and fiber technology properties. d) The application of the organic matter alone, without association with the NPK fertilizers, showed the same production of the treatment without any fertilization. e) The low levels of productivity obtained might be an indication of lack of other management practices.

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