Open-access Degradation kinetics of biosolids organic matter after soil application and its relationship with initial chemical composition

The aim of this study was to evaluate biosolids degradation after soil application, in relation to the initial organic matter (OM) chemical composition of the residue. Four biosolids and sewage sludge compost differentiated by being originated from different waste systems and/or sludge stabilization process and/or chemical conditioning to dehydration and/or additional treatment to adequate the residue for agricultural application were used. Biosolids degradation was determinated in a experiment done to quantify CO2 emitted from Oxisol samples incubated with biosolids in a dose correspondent to 40 t ha¹. The degradation rates of biosolids organic matter were between 5% - 22%. In general, the biosolids organic matter decomposition was described by a two-stage equation of chemical kinetics: the first stage showed high decomposition velocity and organic compounds exhausted in few days (2 to 20 days); whereas the second stage had a reduced decomposition velocity in comparison to the first phase, and a relative increase of mineralized carbon (³ 65% of total degraded carbon during all incubation period). Gross protein, expressed as organic residue content, was the parameter better correlated with biosolids degradation rate at the end of 70 days of incubation (r = 0.999 e Prob. > t lower than 10-4), its utilization being prospective to biosolids organic matter degradation after addition to soils. Protein pool participation increased with incubation time, indicating that in the beginning of the experiment more labile organic compounds worked as carbon and energy sources for the edafic microbiota.

sewage sludge; carbon; protein; decomposition; chemical kinetic; organic compounds

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