Open-access Simulation of the stability of 2wd agricultural tractors

The objective of this work was to predict the loss of 2WD tractors stability. Simulations were done to analyze the dynamic behavior of an agricultural tractor working in different operation and surface conditions. Simulating different tractor positions on an inclined track until its side overturn, the tractor angle position of 60º presented the worst situation, what represented a tractor moving diagonally down on a left inclined track. Changing the tractor geometry and weight in the simulations, the vertical position of tractor central mass and its tread width were the parameters that most affected the tractor stability to side overturn. The longitudinal position of tractor central mass and the distance between its axes influenced on the tractor stability to rearward overturning. The tractor either slip the wheels at the side overturning or lost the front tire controlling at angles less than the overturning limits.

agricultural mechanization; overturning; safety

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