Open-access Ripeness and technological quality of early harvest sugarcane variety RB855453

The objective of this research was to evaluate the technological quality of early harvest sugar cane variety RB855453 as affected by ripener application. Treatments consisted of application of sulfometuron methyl, glyphosate and compounds of organic carboxilic radicals + glyphosate, and the control (natural ripening). Ripener application for early harvest sugar cane led to an increase in technological quality of the raw matter for the variety RB855453. However, the response varied according to climate conditions, although sugar yield had been significantly affected, which may positively contribute to the profit per hectare. Under favorable climate conditions for vegetative development (season 2004), the use of glyphosate and sulfometuron methyl was efficient and allowed harvesting at 27 and 23 days early, respectively, when compared to the control. In the season of 2005, under favorable climate conditions for the natural ripening to occur, the products allowed the genetic potential of sugar cane variety RB855453 to be explored regarding sucrose accumulation in the culms, but they did not affect ripening period.

Saccharum spp.; ripener; glyphosate; sulfometuron methyl; ripening

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