Open-access Freezing points of various tropical fruits

The effect of low temperature on tropical fruits was studied in order to guide future developments of frost resistant varieties. Simulations of frost were done in a freezing chamber to determine the freezing points of various fruit plants. On the basis of the results the studied species can be classified into three groups according to their tolerance to low temperatures: Group I - little tolerance (-4°C): Annona reticulata; Psidium guajava; Malpighia glabra and Persea americana (var. Geada); Group II - medium tolerance (-5°C): A. squamosa; Rollinea spp.; A. glabra; A. montana; R. ermaginata and Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa; Group III - high tolerance (-6°C): A. cherimola.

tropical fruits; freezing point; frost resistance

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