Open-access Bamboo as a raw material for the pulp and paper industry: III - Study of Bambusa nutans Wallich, B. tulda Roxb., B. stenostachya Häckel and B. beecheyana Munro, in the production of kraft pulp

Culms 2-3 years old of Bambusa nutans, B. tulda, B. stenostachya and B. beecheyana were studied in the production of kraft pulp. All these species proved to grow well in the soil and climate conditions of São Paulo State. Dimensions of the culms, their basic density and the dimension of the fibers are given. Coockings, in number of 5 for each specie, were made by the sulfate process for 60 minutes at 160 ± 2°C, using 13.55% NaOH and 4.4% Na2S. The results showed differences among species, relating to the yield and permanganate number of the pulp. The best yield was 42.35% of umbleached cellulose with 15.7 NP for Bambusa tulda and the worst was 35.27 with 17.24 NP, for Bambusa beecheyana. Handmade sheets, with 60 g/s.m., were submited to the mechanical tests showing effect of species on the quality of pulp.

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