Open-access Comportamento de variedades de morangueiro na região de Monte Alegre do Sul

Variety trials of strawberries


São apresentados os resultados de um ensaio de variedades de morangueiro (Fragariahíbridos). Estudaram-se a produção total do ano e a parcial dos dois primeiros meses de colheita, quando é maior o valor do produto. As maiores produções totais foram obtidas com as seguintes variedades: Híbrido IAC-3976, Híbrido IAC-2529, Monte Alegre IAC-3113, Campinas IAC-2712 e Híbrido IAC-2748. Dessas variedades apenas Campinas IAC-2712 e Monte Alegre IAC-3113 deram boas produções precoces. Com relação às características comerciais do produto, como precoci-dade, tamanho, paladar, coloração e firmeza dos frutos, destacaram-se as variedades: Campinas IAC-2712 e Monte Alegre IAC-3113.

In Brazil the strawberry plant has been grown on a domestic scale in kitchen gardens for quite a number of years. As a commercial crop, however, it is of fairly recent date. In the State of São Paulo this crop has already attained a decisive level of importance. At the Central Experiment Station "Theodureto de Camargo", in Campinas, since 1941, and at the Experiment Station Monte Alegre, as from 1952 onward, not less than 54 varieties and 2,600 seedlings were studied, the latter being hybrids obtained locally or introduced from other States or from other countries. In this paper the results obtained in 1967 at the Experiment Station of Monte Alegre do Sul of a strawberry variety are presented. The variety "Dr. Morère", also known as "Comum", formerly the most cultivated in the State of São Paulo, was used as check plant. Nine varieties were studied. The total production from June to December and also the partial one of June-July was studied, when the prices of strawberry are the highest, because harvest is beginning and also because fruits are bigger. The statistical analysis of data obtained showed the following results: a) concerning the total production, the varieties: Hybrid IAC-3976, H IAC-2529, Monte Alegre IAC-3113 and Campinas IAC-2712 without differing among themselves, were superior to Hydrid IAC-3432 and "Dr. Morère" I-699 or "Comum" to the level of 1%; b) considering the partial production, variety Campinas IAC-2712 was superior to all the others to the level of 1% and variety Monte Alegre IAC-3113, without differing from variety Campinas IAC-2712, was superior to all the others to the level of 1%. Among the varieties studied the following have shown the best qualities: Campinas IAC-2712 and Monte Alegre IAC-3113.

Comportamento de variedades de morangueiro na região de Monte Alegre do Sul1,2

Variety trials of strawberries

Dr. Leocádio de Souza CamargoI; Sebastião AlvesII; Toshio IgueIII

IEngenheiro-agrônomo, Seção de Olericultura

IIEngenheiro-agrônomo, Estação Experimental de Monte Alegre do Sul

IIIEngenheiro-agrônomo, Seção de Técnica Experimental, Instituto Agronômico


São apresentados os resultados de um ensaio de variedades de morangueiro (Fragariahíbridos). Estudaram-se a produção total do ano e a parcial dos dois primeiros meses de colheita, quando é maior o valor do produto.

As maiores produções totais foram obtidas com as seguintes variedades: Híbrido IAC-3976, Híbrido IAC-2529, Monte Alegre IAC-3113, Campinas IAC-2712 e Híbrido IAC-2748. Dessas variedades apenas Campinas IAC-2712 e Monte Alegre IAC-3113 deram boas produções precoces.

Com relação às características comerciais do produto, como precoci-dade, tamanho, paladar, coloração e firmeza dos frutos, destacaram-se as variedades: Campinas IAC-2712 e Monte Alegre IAC-3113.


In Brazil the strawberry plant has been grown on a domestic scale in kitchen gardens for quite a number of years. As a commercial crop, however, it is of fairly recent date. In the State of São Paulo this crop has already attained a decisive level of importance.

At the Central Experiment Station "Theodureto de Camargo", in Campinas, since 1941, and at the Experiment Station Monte Alegre, as from 1952 onward, not less than 54 varieties and 2,600 seedlings were studied, the latter being hybrids obtained locally or introduced from other States or from other countries.

In this paper the results obtained in 1967 at the Experiment Station of Monte Alegre do Sul of a strawberry variety are presented. The variety "Dr. Morère", also known as "Comum", formerly the most cultivated in the State of São Paulo, was used as check plant.

Nine varieties were studied. The total production from June to December and also the partial one of June-July was studied, when the prices of strawberry are the highest, because harvest is beginning and also because fruits are bigger.

The statistical analysis of data obtained showed the following results: a) concerning the total production, the varieties: Hybrid IAC-3976, H IAC-2529, Monte Alegre IAC-3113 and Campinas IAC-2712 without differing among themselves, were superior to Hydrid IAC-3432 and "Dr. Morère" I-699 or "Comum" to the level of 1%; b) considering the partial production, variety Campinas IAC-2712 was superior to all the others to the level of 1% and variety Monte Alegre IAC-3113, without differing from variety Campinas IAC-2712, was superior to all the others to the level of 1%.

Among the varieties studied the following have shown the best qualities: Campinas IAC-2712 and Monte Alegre IAC-3113.

Texto completo disponível apenas em PDF.

Full text available only in PDF format.


Recebido para publicação em 17 de outubro de 1968.

Referências bibliográficas

  • 1. BROOKS, A. N. Relation of soil reaction to strawberry production in Central Florida. Gainesville, Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, 1938. 2p. (Press bulletin 513)
  • 2. CAMARGO, L. s. Instruçőes para a cultura do morangueiro. 5.° ed. Campinas, Instituto Agronômico, 1966. 16p. (Boletim 29)
  • 3 ________. Novas variedades de morangueiro para o Estado de São Paulo. Piracicaba, 1960. 48fls. (Tese de doutoramento, Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", resumida em Agronômico 13(1/2):30-32, 1961)
  • 4. ________; ALVES, S. & ABRAMIDES, E. Ensaio de variedades de morangueiro. Bragantia 22:715-729, 1963.
  • 5. ________; ALVES, S.; SCARANARI, H. & ABRAMIDES. E. Ensaio de variedades de morangueiro. Revista de Olericultura 6:122-135, 1966.
  • 6. ________; BERNARDI, J. B.; ALVES, S. & ABRAMIDES, E. Comportamento de novas variedades e híbridos de morangueiro em Monte Alegre do Sul no ano de 1966. Bragantia 27:155-167, 1968.
  • 7. CARVALHO, ANA MARIA B.; COSTA, A. S. & CAMARGO, L. S Ocorręncia do vírus do morangueiro no Estado de Săo Paulo Bragantia 20:563-578, 1961.
  • 1
    Trabalho apresentado na XX Reunião da Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência, realizada na cidade Universitária, São Paulo, de 7 a 13 de julho de 1968.
  • 2
    A FAPESP colaborou na obtenção dos dados experimentais, fornecendo uma camioneta para transporte dos técnicos e de materiais.
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      24 Mar 2009
    • Data do Fascículo
      Jan 1969


    • Recebido
      17 Out 1968
    Instituto Agronômico de Campinas Avenida Barão de Itapura, 1481, 13020-902, Tel.: +55 19 2137-0653, Fax: +55 19 2137-0666 - Campinas - SP - Brazil
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