Open-access Computer simulation of stability and control of tractor-trailed implement combinations under different operating conditions

Simulação computacional da estabilidade e controle de combinações trator-carreta sob diferentes condições de operação

The mechanics of a tractor-trailer system moving up and down sloping ground under different operating conditions was theoretically simulated. A computer program was developed to analyze the system to predict the effect of both the trailer loading weight and the slope angle on the tractor stability, traction ability, and drawbar loading. The program was used to analyze a tractor-trailer system moving at uniform motion up and downhill. The results of this analysis showed that the tractor becomes unstable when towing a 3750 kg trailer uphill at 28° slope angle. Insufficient traction occurred at slope angles ranging from 15° to 18° corresponding to trailer weight of 3750 to 750 kg. The parallel component of drawbar pull reached a maximum value of 17318 N when the trailer was pushing the tractor downhill at 30° slope angle. The normal component (normal to the tractive surface) showed similar maximum values for both uphill and downhill motions of the system. The use of computer analysis in this study provided a significant improvement in predicting the effect of different parameters on stability and control of tractor-trailer combination on sloping ground.

Tractor-trailer; Stability; Traction; Sloping ground; Drawbar

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