Open-access Yield and agronomic characteristics on soybean in function of perennial pastures, in no-tillage system

The objective of this study was to assess grain yield of soybean production systems integrated crop-livestock, under no-tillage. The treatments consisted of five production systems: system I (wheat/soybean, common vetch/corn, and white oat/soybean); system II (wheat/soybean, grazed black oat + grazed common vetch/corn, and white oat/soybean); system III [perennial cool season pastures (fescue + white clover + red clover + birdsfoot trefoil)]; system IV [perennial warm season pastures (bahiagrass + black oat + rye grass + white clover + red clover + birdsfoot trefoil)]; and system V (alfalfa). A randomized complete block design with four replications was used. No difference was found among the production systems integrated crop-livestock to soybean grain yield, number of legume/plant, number of grain/plant, grain mass/plant, 1,000 kernels weight, plant height, and first legumes insertion height. Soybean can be cultivated without grain loss after white oat and wheat alternating with grazed black oat + grazed common vetch, perennial cool-season forages and perennial warm-season forages and alfalfa forages.

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