Open-access Genetic variability in clones of 'Prata Anã' bananas based on phenotypic and molecular markers

Variabilidade genética em clones de bananeira 'Prata Anã' por meio de marcadores fenotípico e molecular

The objective of this study was to examine the molecular and phenotypic variability of 'Prata Anã' banana clones cultivated in northern Minas Gerais State. For the phenotypic and molecular characterization, the clones were collected from five properties. The morphological characterization of 20 clones was accomplished through a qualitative evaluation of 74 descriptors. For the molecular evaluations, 45 clones were collected, and 14 Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA primers were used. Among the 74 morphological descriptors evaluated in the 20 'Prata Anã' banana tree clones, 53 descriptors presented in the same homogeneous class for all clones. The presence of anthocyanin in the pseudostem (ANT) and the shape (BUS) and flexion (FLX) of the bunch clearly differentiated the 'Prata Anã' banana clones from the commercial cultivar. A total of 176 bands were produced from the molecular analysis using the 14 RAPD primers; there were 116 monomorphic and 60 polymorphic bands, with an average polymorphism percentage of 52.2%. The amplification using the OPP 14 primer resulted in the greatest percentage of polymorphic bands at 88%. The dendrogram indicated that each of the 45 'Prata Anã' clones that were evaluated using RAPD markers clustered with the commercial 'Prata Anã' cultivar.

Musa spp.; morphological variation; diversity; clonal population; RAPD

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