Open-access Genesis and classification of some soils from the hydrographic basin of Tijuco Preto Stream, Rio das Pedras county, SP: II - Soil classification

In this paper four soil profiles ocurring on a toposequence located in the hydrographic basin of the Tijuco Preto stream, Rio das Pedras County in the State of São Paulo were studied. On the lower part of the toposequence a Lithosol-argillite-shale substratum phase (TP-12) and a Red-Yellow Podzolic Soil Piracicaba variation (TP-13) were found. On the upper part of the toposequence an Ortho Dark Red Latosol (TP-17) and a «Latosol Roxo» (TP-18) were found. The soils were classified both according to the 7th Approximation and the classification of the former Brazilian National Soil Comission. The classifications were based on both chemical and physical data as well as on the morphologic features of the soil profiles. The soil classification at a family level was based on mincralogical data of the same profiles presented in a previous paper.

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