Open-access Yield components of rice and bean cultivars as affected by lime and phosphogypsum applied in soil surface

The use of phosphogypsum and more tolerant cultivars to soil acidity can be an alternative to enable crops in no-tillage system, without previous lime incorporation. This trial was carried out to evatuate the effects of lime and phosphogypsum surface application on yield components as well as on grain yield of upland rice and common bean cultivars, in no-tillage system. The experiment was done on a Haplorthox, previously cultivated on conventional tillage system, in Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil. A randomized complete block design, in split-split-plot scheme, and four replications were used. The plots comprised four dolomite limestone rates (0, 1,100, 2,700, and 4,300 kg ha-1); in the subplots phosphogypsum was applied at the rates: 0 and 2,100 kg ha-1. Two upland rice cultivars ('Caiapó' and 'IAC 202') were grown in the sub-subplots in 2002/2003 cropping season, and two common bean cultivars ('Carioca' and 'Pérola'), in 2003/2004. The number of panicles per m², spikelets per panicles, mass of 1,000 grains, and grain yield of upland rice cultivars was increased with lime surface application. Phosphogypsum application increased the number of panicles per m² and grains yield of the 'Caiapó' rice cultivar, but decreased the number of panicles per m² and did not affect grain yield of the 'IAC 202' cultivar. Lime surface application, without phosphogypsum, increased the number of pods per plant and grain yield of both bean cultivars. Phosphogypsum application decreased the number of pods per plant of the 'Carioca' bean cultivar, but did not affect other yield components or grain yield. The lime dose to raise the base saturation to 70% was optimal for both crops. Using soil acidity tolerant cultivars promoted higher crop yields in no-till systems establishment, even when the effective soil amelioration had not yet been achieved.

Oryza sativa; Phaseolus vulgaris; soil acidity; liming

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