Open-access Influence of nitrogen sources and application methods on yield and productivity components of irrigated corn in savannah soil

The objective of this experiment was to compare the effect of nitrogen sources: ammonium sulfonitrate with nitrification inhibitor, ammonium sulfate and urea, applied at sowing and/or as side dressing) on the leaf content of N and chlorophyll content, yield and production components of corn grown in savannah soil, under sprinkler irrigation. The research was carried out on Oxisol, during crop years of 2006/2007 and 2007/2008. The experimental design was the randomized blocks with four replications, in a 3x5 factorial outline consisting of: three nitrogen sources applied at sowing and/or side dressing at the 8 unfolded-leaf stage, in five different application ways (0 +120; 30 + 90; 60 + 60; 90 + 30 and 120 + 0 kg ha-1 of N). The application of sulphonitrate ammonium + inhibitor was similar to ammonium sulfate on the corn yield components, regardless of time of application. The application of 120 kg ha-1 of N as urea in a single application at the stage of eight leaves in corn and in periods with high precipitation affects negatively the foliar N content and results in less grain yield in relation to the application of the same dose at sowing.

Zea mays; ammonium sulfonitrate; ammonium sulfate and urea

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