Open-access New lines of sweet pepper resistant to strains of potato Y virus

Breeding work carried out by the writer in the past led to the development of two new sweet pepper varieties, Agronômico 7 (California wonder type) and Agronômico 8 (conical fruit), incorporating the high level of resistance to strains of potato Y virus from P 11 (P.I. 264281). The occurrence of a potato Y virus strain (Atibaia - Yat) that infected these new pepper types and the fact that their fruit was considered as below the desirable market size led author to continue their improvement. Further breeding work either the two varieties was carried out, as follows: (1) Agronômico 7 was crossed with a California pepper type that has been called Modestão; selection made in advanced generations of this cross resulted in a sweet pepper type with the blocky type of fruit that combines other favorable characteristics of both parents, and has been designated as Agronômico 9; (2) A selection of Agronômico 8, resistant to the Yat strain, was crossed, with Ikeda, a variety that is tolerant to the virus and has larger fruit than the other parent. Selection in advanced generations of this cross led to Agronômico 10, that has conical fruit of a size comparable to that of Ikeda, and the very high level of resistance to potato Y virus of P 11. Agronômico 9 and 10 are being tested on a large scale at present and scheduled to be released in the future.

Instituto Agronômico de Campinas Avenida Barão de Itapura, 1481, 13020-902, Tel.: +55 19 2137-0653, Fax: +55 19 2137-0666 - Campinas - SP - Brazil
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