Open-access Soybean tolerance to manganese in nutrient solution under three temperatures

Two soybean cultivars (Biloxi and Forrest) were grown under three different temperaturas (22, 25 and 28ºC) in nutrient solutions containing four levels of manganese (0.11; 2; 4 and 6mg/l) in an experiment carried out at Campinas, in 1983. Mn tolerante differences were evaluated by dry matter weight of the above ground parts after a period of 15 days of growth. The results showed that as the temperature were reduced from 28 to 22ºC there was a reduction in the plant growth of the two cultivars which affected the dry matter weight. At 25ºC and at the level of 2 mg/l of Mn, Forrest was suceptible and Biloxi, tolerant, being this condition appropriate for screening soybean germoplasm for Mn tolerante. This separation could also be done at 22 and 28ºC at 4 and 6 mg/l levels of Mn, respectively. High temperature (28ºC) showed reduction of Mn toxicity in both soybean cultivars. The cultivar Biloxi always showed at all temperatures greater concentration of Mn than Forrest.

mineral nutrition; Glycine max (L.) Merrill; breeding; temperature; manganese; tolerance

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