Open-access Necrose das nervuras da malva causada por vírus do grupo X da batata

Veinal necrosis, a malva disease caused by a virus of the potato x grup


Necrose das nervuras da malva causada por vírus do grupo X da batata1

Veinal necrosis, a malva disease caused by a virus of the potato x grup

A. S. Costa; E. W. Kitajima2


A type of veinal necrosis of Malva parviflora and other species of the genus was found associated with infection by an elongated, somewhat rigid virus, the particles of which measured 15 mµ in diameter and 525 mµ In length. Other host plants were Gomphrena globosa, Chenopodium amaranticolor, C. quinoa, sesame (Sesamum indicum), and New Zealand spinach (Tetragonia expansa) that permitted only local increase of the virus.

The malva veinal necrosis virus was easily transmitted mechanically, taut not by Myzus persicae, Aphis gossypii, or Bemisia tabaci. Crude virus preparations were still infective when diluted 1:625 or when heated for 10' at 70°C. The malva veinal necrosis virus is considered as belonging to the potato X virus group, but its relationship to other members of the group were not established.

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Recebido para publicação em 22 de abril de 1970.

  • 1
    Este trabalho recebeu subvenções da FAPESP, CNPq e do convênio CAPES/ BID/BNDE.
  • 2
    Bolsistas do CNPq.
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      19 Mar 2009
    • Data do Fascículo
      Jan 1970
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