Open-access Mineralogical study of soils derived from Bauru sandstone and basic rocks in the north-western region of São Paulo state

Quantitative mineralogical analysis were carried out in the clay fraction of the B and C horizons of 24 soil profiles developed from the Bauru sandstone, as well as in four profiles derived from basic rocks. Granulometric analysis was also performed in the same B horizons of the soils developed from the Bauru sandstone. The clay fraction of the soils derived from the Bauru sandstone presented a wide variation in kaolinite content, from 25% to 90%, along with a decrease in mica content, from 25% to 1% for the Lithosol-calcareous sandstone substratum phase and Dark-Red Latosol sandy phase, respectively. Based on the mineralogical composition of the typic profiles of the taxonomic units, it was possible to characterize each group according to the kaolinite content of the B horizon. The variation of the mineral was between 30% and 70% for the Podzolized Soil Marília variation, between 70% and 80% for the Podzolized Soil Lins variation, and between 80% and 90% for the Dark Red Latosol sandy phase. Gibbsite was not detected in any soil profile. The granulometric analysis showed considerable variation specially among the Latosols. The soils, except for four Latosol profiles out of 10, are very similar to the Bauru sandstone, which seems to indicate that their parent materials were developed from the sandstone itself, through a coluvial and/or pedimentation process. The odd profiles of Latosol seem to be related to fluvial terrace deposits. A relationship between the soils derived from the Bauru sandstone and the landscape elements, defined by Milne and denominated by Ruhe, was established. The Marília variation was related with the upland region, where the sandstone occurs with no significant drift material, while the Lins variation can be related to the pediment backslope, formed on a drift material of coluvial type. Finally, the Latosol is related to the pediment footslope, develope mainly from a pedimental material. The Lithosol-basaltite substratum phase presented kaolinite as the main component of the soil clay, with 43% in the B horizon. The more developed soils, as Terra Roxa Estruturada, showed a higher kaolinite content, ranging from 72% to 74% in the clay of the B horizon. No gibbsite was detected.

Instituto Agronômico de Campinas Avenida Barão de Itapura, 1481, 13020-902, Tel.: +55 19 2137-0653, Fax: +55 19 2137-0666 - Campinas - SP - Brazil
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