Open-access Induction of embryogenic structures on rhizome and pseudostem tissues of banana

Structure formations with embryogenic capacity were induced on rhizome and pseudostem tissues of micropropagated plants of the banana (Musa spp.) cultivars Maçã, Nanicão e GN-60. Explants obtained from these tissues were cultivated in a media as cited by Schenk & Hildebrandt, with Staba vitamines in modified concentration by Novak et al., supplemented with Dicamba, a growth regulator, used at concentrations of 0, 2.0, 3.5, 6.63 mg/L. The treatments induced the formation of structures with embryogenic capacity in tissues (callus and globular structures) originated fromregions immediately above and below the meristematic apex, on the three tested cultivars. Starting from these structures, cellular suspensions were obtained. These structures were cultivated and gave origin to structures similar to somatic embryos which after germination produced roots or aerial paris. Germination, however, was not satisfactorily present.

banana; somatic embryogenesis; Dicamba; micropropagation

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