Open-access Grain yield potential, leaf rust resistance and flour technological characteristics in wheat genotypes

This work aimed to evaluate eighteen wheat genotypes obtained from crosses with the cultivar IAC 24 for potential grain yield, leaf rust resistance and flour technological characteristics in experiments carried out in upland conditions at Manduri (Zone A), Capão Bonito and Itapeva (Zone B) and Paranapanema (Zone C), in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, during 2003-2005. Evaluations of the genotypes for the leaf rust causal agent were made at the seedling stage in greenhouse, where the genotypes were individually inoculated with spores of 12 races of Puccinia triticina, represented by the pathogen virulence range occurring in Brazil, and also under natural infection in the field. Eight lines descending from IAC 24 showed adequate levels of non-specific resistance, with susceptible reactions but of low severity, consistently over the years/locations. The highest grain yield was shown by the genotype 7 (PF87373/IAC 24), not differing from genotypes 12, 18, 4 and 6. According to alveographic and farinograph parameters, the genotypes 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 15 and 18 stood out for their industrial quality and superior flour. The selected genotypes featuring the best agronomical traits are potentially useful for breeding programs as donors of favorable alleles.

Triticum aestivum L; grain yield; Puccinia triticana; breeding

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