Open-access Effects of irrigation, mineral fertilization and incorporation of semi-decomposed Crotalaria juncea L

Field trials were conducted at Monte Alegre do Sul, Ribeirão Prêto and Pindorama, to study the effects of irrigation, mineral fertilization and incorporation in the soil of partially decomposed vegetative matter of Crotalaria juncea L. on the yield of beans. The results showed that at Monte Alegre do Sul and Pindorama the combination of the three treatments gave the best yield, while in Ribeirão Prêto the response was not the same. Although irrigation increased bean yields in Monte Alegre do Sul and Pindorama it did not act so in Ribeirão Preto. Incorporation of vegetative matter in the soil had favorable effect on the yield increase of dry beans at all three localities. Among the mineral fertilizers there was a yield response only to phosphorus at the three localities while in Ribeirão Preto there was response to potassium and at Pindorama and Monte Alegre do Sul to nitrogen.

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