Open-access Spray deposition and spray loss using air-assistance boom on bean plants

Aiming to evaluate the effect of air-assistance in spray deposition on bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris) with hollow nozzles (JA-0,5 and JA-1) and flat fan nozzle type (AXI-110015), and volume rates by air-assisted and non-assisted sprayers, a completely randomized experiment was carried out using copper ion as a tracer to the evaluation of the deposits. At 26 days after emergence, artificial targets were positioned on the upper and under-side of the leaflets, on the top and bottom parts of the same plants under spray boom. For the application of tracer solution it was used a fourteen meter boom sprayer with and without air-assistance at 60 and 100 L.ha-1 of volume rates. The air flow was 50% of the maximum fan rotation. After application, targets were individually washed with an extracting solution of nitric acid (1.0 mol L-1), and the tracer deposition was quantified by spectrofotometry. The air-assistance did not influence spray deposition at rates of 60 as well as 100 L.ha-1. The higher the volume was the higher the deposit levels as well as the spray losses to soil (above 60%).

application technology; air-assistance; boom sprayer; tracer; Phaseolus vulgaris

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