Open-access Genotype x environment interaction efects in cycle grain in common tegument colour and cycle in bean cultivars

The objective this work was to assess the effects of genotype x environment interaction in order to identify bean cultivars with stability for grain tegument colour and cycle in the central depression region of Rio Grande do Sul in order to guide breeding programs. Six experiments, with 16 common bean cultivars were conducted during the 2000/01, 2001/02 and 2002/03 growing season and sowing was carried out on Set/Out (Crop 1) and on Jan/Fev (Crop 2) in experimental fields of the Plant Science Department of the Santa Maria Federal University. Complete randomized blocks with three replications as used. Results showed that colour of grain tegument in carioca beans was influenciated by the environment. 'Carioca', 'Diamante Negro', 'TPS Nobre' and 'TPS Bionobre' showed high predictability for production of bean grains with tegument colour with acceptable preference by consumers. Nothing bean cultivar showed stability for cicle.

Phaseolus vulgaris; stability; grain colour; maturity

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