Open-access Morphological characterization, determination of ploidy level and pollen viability of a progeny of tangerines 'Clementina Fina' and 'Montenegrina'

Citrus plants show morphological and cytogenetic variability and these characteristics can be useful to identify the materials for hybridization. A population of hybrid tangerines, originated from the cross between 'Clementina Fina' (Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan.) as female and 'Montenegrina' (Citrus deliciosa Ten.) as male parents, was characterized using morphological traits, maturation period, chromosome number and pollen viability. It was possible to distinguish the 94 plants of the progeny and the parents by morphological traits. The time of fruit ripening of the hybrid extended from the beginning of April until the end of August. All plants analyzed are diploid with a chromosome number of 2n = 18 and presented high pollen viability, varying from 79.0% to 98.1%.

Citrus; morphological markers; chromosome number; pollen viability

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