Open-access Micromineral composition of common bean cultivars and its application in crop breeding

The objective of this investigation was to determine the micromineral composition of seeds of common bean cultivars grown at different locations, examine cultivar x location interactions, and identify cultivars for direct consumption or use in breeding programs. Iron, zinc, copper, manganese and boron concentrations mineral were determined for 19 cultivars obtained in the 2004/05 cropping year in two locations in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Iron (71.5 mg kg-1), followed by zinc (30.0 mg kg-1), manganese (18.9 mg kg-1), copper (9.5 mg kg-1) and boron (8.3 mg kg-1) were the main constituents. Significant cultivar x location interactions were detected for zinc content and grain yield. Cultivar Guateian 6662 presented high micromineral content, independently of location, being suitable for diet enrichment and cultivar improvement.

Phaseolus vulgaris L.; nutritional quality; genetic variability; genotype x environment interaction

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