Open-access Damage caused by fungi and insects to stored peanut seeds before processing


The aim of this study was to gather data on the incidence of fungi associated with peanut seeds stored in their pods, before being processed by the State of São Paulo seed-producing companies, and the relation of the fungi to the seed damage caused by insects and to the quality of the stored seeds. Samples were taken from seed lots of cultivars IAC 886 and IAC 503 stored by these companies at the beginning and end of a six-month storage period. The peanut seeds were shelled and half of each sample was treated with fludioxonil + metalaxyl. Untreated and treated seeds were analyzed for moisture content, germination, vigor and health. The following insects were found to damage the peanut seeds: Cyrtomenus mirabilis (Perty) (Hemiptera: Cydnidae) and Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Both species reduced seed quality. When present, fungi of the genera Aspergillus, Fusarium, Penicillium and Rhizopus infected seeds and seedlings during the germination process and were considered the main limiting factor for obtaining normal seedlings. Nevertheless, despite their presence, peanut seeds maintained their germination capacity and vigor after six months of storage in their pods.

Key words Arachis hypogaea L.; germination; vigor; Cyrtomenus mirabilis

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