Open-access Estudo comparativo de transpiração em três variedades paulistas de algodoeiro

Studies on transpiration with three cotton varieties of the State of São Paulo


Romeu Inforzato; Milton G. Fuzatto


Transpiration measurements by the weighing method were carried out with plants of the cotton varieties IAC 13-1, IAC-13 and IAC 12-2, to confirm evidence of drought resistance as presented by variety IAC 13-1, in field trials of regions where a dry weather period occurred during the 1966 crop season.

The results showed that variety IAC 13-1, selected at Petrolandia, a semi-arid region of the São Francisco river valley, transpired 16% and 26% less than IAC-13 and IAC 12-2, respectively.

The varieties differed significantly in foliar surface area and a correlation study revealed that 80% of the variation in transpiration could be explained by differences in that character.

New experiments are being planned to confirm the hypothesis that drought resistance character is present in variety IAC 13-1.

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Recebida para publicação em 4 de agosto de 1967

  • Estudo comparativo de transpiração em três variedades paulistas de algodoeiro
    Studies on transpiration with three cotton varieties of the State of São Paulo
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      24 Mar 2009
    • Data do Fascículo
      Jan 1967
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