Open-access The heat dissipation method for sap flow determination in green-dwarf coconut plants

The knowledge of crop water demand is basic for irrigation management. In recent years, the Heat Dissipation Method (HDM) has received attention for this purpose because its relatively simple physical principles and applicability in field conditions. This study aimed to perform calibration of the HDM for sap flow determination in green-dwarf coconut plants. For calibration, the probe was inserted in a segment of the leaf petiole of a dwarf coconut tree. A steady stream of water was established in the segment of petiole. Measurements of flow rate, volume per unit time and temperature, were taken with the probe. After calibrating HDM in laboratory, field experiments were carried out in the Norte Fluminense, Brazil, where the calibrated model were well coupled to the atmospheric demand. It is concluded that the mathematical model obtained in the HDM calibration is suitable for obtaining the transpiration to green dwarf coconut.

transpiration; water management; Granier method; Cocos nucifera L

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