Open-access Study of the influence of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on the characteristics of a variety of upland rice

The objective of this experiment was to study the influence of N, P and K in an upland variety of rice called «Dourado Precoce». The scheme used was a factorial 3x3x3 and the experiment was installed on Podzolized Soils on Calcareous Sandstone LINS Variation. The aerial part of the plants was cut at harvest time in order to obtain the following information: weight, factors of production (number of panicles per treatment, number of grain per panicle and specific weight), and, finally, production per treatment. In this work, the nutrients affected the characteristics of the rice plant differently. Nitrogen influenced the vegetative development, i.e., weight of the aerial part and the number of panicles per treatment. It depressed the specific weight and did not influence significantly the number of grains per panicle and the production. Phosphorus had a significant influence in all characteristics in study. Potassium did not show any significant effect.

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