Open-access Canning experiments with pineapples

In pineapple growing areas of São Paulo and other parts of Brazil there is an increasing interest in the cultivation of white pulped varieties. This paper presents the data from tests in which five canning methods were compared for the preservation of white pineapples. The results from the tests indicated that it is possible to obtain a product of flood flavor and quality when the peeled fruit is sliced in quarters and preserved by the most suitable process of canning and sterilization. The state of preservation of the product and its organoleptic qualities were quite satisfactory 21 months after canning. The most satisfactory process consisted in the immersion of the sliced quarters in a syrup of 35° Bé at 77-84°C during 10 minutes. The initial cooking syrup had 45° Brix (25° Bé) and the final concentration in the can was 35° Brix. Before closing the cans they were exhausted for 5 minutes. The final sterilization consisted in boiling the cans in water for 12 minutes, followed by immersion in cold water for 30 minutes.

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