Open-access Genetic dissimilarity and definition of recombination clusters among green corn half-sib progenies


The present study aimed to estimate the genetic divergence among corn half-sib progenies seeking to direct recombination between contrasting and superior progenies for green corn production. Ninety-six progenies were evaluated in a randomized block design with 3 replications, and 18 characteristics associated with agronomic adaptation and green corn yield were measured. The genetic divergence was estimated using generalized square Mahalanobis distance and the progenies grouped by UPGMA and Tocher’s methods. The joint analysis of variance showed genetic variability among the progenies for the characteristics evaluated. The UPGMA method was more sensitive than Tocher’s, since it led to the formation of 11 groups genetically dissimilar compared to the 5 ones of Tocher’s method. The grouping allowed to identify superior and contrasting progenies for green corn production. The recombination of these progenies allows increasing genetic variability and the frequency of alleles favorable to the green corn production.

Key words Zea mays L.; ears yield; potential; UPGMA; Tocher

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