Open-access Seleção de novos clones de mandioca para mesa, pela toxicidade e paladar de suas raízes «in natura»

Determination of edible cassava by tasting fresh roots

Araken S. Pereira; José Pio Nery; Toshio Igue


Toxicity in cassava roots is caused by its hidrocyanic acid content. It is generally considered that 40 mg ofthis compound is enough to kill an adult human being.

Before new or introduced cassava varieties are distributed to growers it is necessary to determine whether or not they have a high hidrocyanic acid content. This determination is also of importance in the breeding program when it is necessary to select edible cassavas.

Results from flavor tests and chemical analyses indicated a strong correlation between bitter flavor of the fresh root and hidrocyanic acid content. Conversely, roots without the bitter taste had a low content of this toxic substance. The fresh root sampling test has been used successfully in the selection of new cassava varieties.

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Recebida para publicação a 29 de maio de 1964.

  • Seleção de novos clones de mandioca para mesa, pela toxicidade e paladar de suas raízes «in natura»
    Determination of edible cassava by tasting fresh roots
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      19 Fev 2010
    • Data do Fascículo
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