Open-access Transference of the genes SH2 and SH3 for resistance to Hemileia vastatrix to the mundo novo cultivar of C. arabica

Coffee trees homozygous for the alleles SH2 or SH2 and SH3 which confer resistance to several physiological races of Hemileia vastatrix, were crossed to selected plants of Mundo Novo cultivar of Coffea arabica and the F2 generations were studied aiming to develop new high yielding and resistant coffee recombinations. A complete randomized field trial was stablished including 14 F2 populations segregating for SH2, eight populations segregating for SH2 and SH3 genes, and three populations segregating for plants of the A group of reaction to the H. vastatrix attack. A total of 22,356 F2 plants were analysed. Based on the plant vigor, yield capacity, percentage of normal developed seeds and resistance reaction to H. vastatrix, three successive series of selection were undertaken leaving only 100 coffee trees for development of F3 populations. Most of these coffee trees besides being of the Mundo Novo phenotype are homozygous for the genes which confer resistance to the leaf rust disease and will be used for further individual coffee tree selections.

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