Open-access Wheat breeding: VI. inheritance of tolerance to three different aluminum concentrations in nutrient solution

Four wheat cultivars: BH-1146, C-3, Siete Cerros and Brevor were tested in nutrient solution with 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10mg/l of Al3+. It was demonstrated that B-1146 and C-3 presented tolerance to 10mg/l of Al3+ whereas Brevor and Siete Cerros were sensitive to 1mg/l of Al3+. It was considered tolerant the plant that was able to show root regrowth of the central primary root in the complete nutrient solution after a treatment in a solution containing a particular amount of aluminum. Seeds of C-3 and Siete Cerros, considered parental lines, and the F1 and F2 populations from the crosses between them, were tested in nutrient solutions where 3, 6 and 10mg/l of aluminum were applied. The results showed that C-3 differed from Siete Cerros by one pair of dominant genes for tolerance at 3mg/l of aluminum. There was a gradual decrease of dominance of the gene pair responsable for the tolerance reaction when it was used 6mg/l of aluminum in the solution. The cultivar Siete Cerros differed from C-3 by one pair of dominant genes for susceptibility at 10mg/l of aluminum or C-3 differed from Siete Cerros by one dominant gene even at 10mg/l of Al3+ if it was considered that the heterozygous individuals from the F1 and F2 populations showed reaction of susceptibility. Heterozygous seedlings of F1 and F2, populations from the cross C-3/Siete Cerros, considered tolerant at 3mg/l of Al3+, showed a decrease in tolerance at 6mg/l and susceptibility at 10mg/l. High broad sense heritability estimates (0.725 to 0.895) for aluminum tolerance to three different levels were obtained suggesting that selection for tolerance would be effective in the F2, population from the studied cross. It would be interesting to select for aluminum tolerance using solutions containing 10mg/l of Al3+ when large F2 populations are provided being possible to eliminate the sensitive plants (recessive homozygous and heterozygous) and select the homozygous tolerant plants. On the other hand, when small F2 populations are available it would be desirable to select for tolerance using solutions with 3mg/l of Al3+ when only the sensitive plants (recessive homozygous) would be discarted and the tolerant plants (homozygous and heterozygous) would be used in the breeding program.

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